Monday, February 1, 2010

That's What I Said

Well maybe not in the exact same words but the general sentiment and implications of my last post way back in January appeared in news articles today.

Obama Calls for End to NASA’s Moon Program

Students failing because of Twitter, texting

I'm not saying I called it but...


Tanis, said...

Ha ha- that is so funny. Tell us- what else can we expect for 2010?

...and can you predict lotto numbers?

Marlan said...

lol, thats 2 funny. u r helareus okay, so I am trying to use all the texting language, but the truth is, I am so out of it I don't really know very much. oh ya....c u later!

Jewel said...

Awesome post Lorin. Yup... clearly a case of "I told you so".

CHEMTD said...

That is awesome Lorin!

You should check your blog tracker. There's probably someone in Washington DC that is following your posts....