Tuesday, February 16, 2010

iPod Prison - You Run Away

I have a forty five minute commute to work which, although kind of long, is actual open-road driving so I am not just stuck in traffic the whole way which would make it feel much longer I’m sure. Luckily for me I can attach my iPod to my car stereo and listen to music I have chosen myself without commercials or yappy DJs or even worse, useless traffic reports every ten minutes from some silly big city hundreds of kilometers away.

I love my little black iPod nano. It’s not the latest generation and it’s certainly not an iPhone but it still works just fine thanks. When I first got it several years ago I immediately filled it with all of my old CDs and some current stuff as well, shut of the radio for good and have been listening to it ever since. It has been so nice to be free of the commercials and other annoyances of radio and I have been quite happy with the 883 songs living inside my iPod. Lately though, I must admit I have been hitting the skip button more and more. How can this be? These are supposed to be most of my favourite songs. How could I possibly be tired of 883 songs? But I admit it is true, I need some new music.

Luckily, at work they have recently started playing music over the PA system. It’s not an actual music service, just a local radio station but it’s still much better than nothing. There aren’t even that many commercials to put up with once 9:00am comes and goes. I am finally hearing some new music again and I must admit it is refreshing. There is also that intangible feeling of knowing many other people are listening to the same song with you which is always kind of nice.

Actually the first few songs of the auto start free playlist at the bottom of my blog are there thanks only to my at work radio exposure. It’s been nice to feel like I’m catching up on some of the contemporary music again. I’ve finally broken out of my iPod prison. mp3 players are great and all but it’s nice to know radio is still there when you need it for some new inspiration.

…You didn’t honestly think I could get through an entire post about music without embedding yet another YouTube video now did you? This bit of information is particularly for the benefit of my family and friends who reside outside of Canada as they may not get to hear this Canadian song. Yet another recent discovery thanks to my at work radio exposure. It's by the Barenaked Ladies and is called You Run Away. I think it’s such a great song and just so easy to listen to. I hope you like it too.

BTW this song is not on my playlist because when I do a search to add it I come up with nothing. Otherwise it would be.


Jewel said...

That is an awesome song Lorin! Forget depending on the radio for new songs....I'll just come to you for it. We still love that CD you burned for us a while back.

Tanis, said...

John gave me an iPod for Christmas and I LOVE it. He also entroduced me to Ted talks.

Each year some of the most succesful inventors, artists, authors, and activists speak at a huge Conference. The premise of the conference is to share "ideas worth spreading."

You can download former Ted talks (podcasts) into your ipod and have hours worth of awesome educational and inspiring talks. (for the most part:) Check it out sometime if you havent' already. I think you'd like it.

Lorin said...

Tanis - I remember Kendall mentioning those Ted Talks a while back as well. I might just have to check them out.