Monday, February 2, 2009

For Your Eyes Only

Below is a link to a rather plain web page and the start of simple yet difficult game called "The eyeballing game", hence the title of this post. You can use only your eyes to play the game and, may I add, any inferring done on your part that you may have been about to become privy to any sort of top secret information or spy grade communications whatever must unfortunately be deemed wishful thinking.

You are asked to manipulate seven images to obtain the desired result. These tasks will be repeated twice more, slightly modified, for a total of 21 attempts. When you have finished, it will show you your average score and how your score compares to all others who have played.

My best score is 3.22

So, are you up for it?
Be sure to come back and tell me how badly you beat me.

Game on!

The Eyeballing Game


Anonymous said...

4.16, but I will be back to play again!

Anonymous said...

This is Mom and my score was 19.86. That is my excuse for always being bothered by things that are not hung straight or cars that are parked at a funny angle, etc

Anonymous said...

Well I read the thing all wrong and I am getting better with my score at 10. something. And that's not too good is it?

Lorin said...

Well at least you're getting better. Are you using a mouse or the touchpad of your laptop? A mouse should make it easier I think.

Anonymous said...

Mine was 11 something. Yikes. Now that I know what it's asking for, I'll have to play again "for real".

Anonymous said...

7.96 today for mom, buy I now have to go make bread so I cannot try again right now. YIPEEEEEEE

Raymond said...

Sounds like you all need eye exams!!

Lorin said...

Hey Ray, no trash talk until you've posted your own score.

Raymond said...

3.88 but I plan on investing a few good hours tonight so I can beat Lorin's score.