Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Edward and Bella – The Movie

just push Play

Yes, I went to the Twilight movie. You got a problem with that? Luckily for me my local multiplex keeps the theaters quite dark even before the movie starts so it is unlikely anyone recognized me going in, therefore no one should ever find out I went to see it. Also, this state of permanent darkness makes it impossible to read those free movie magazines that are available in the lobby.

It was a school night so the theater was not anywhere near full but there were still more than enough giggling, squealing and swooning-out-loud girls, who just HAD to discuss in their best outside voices every little thing that happened on screen, to make watching extremely frustrating for everyone else. Of course I knew this would likely be the case so I had already resigned myself and just tried to let all the distractions slide.

The actual film was perhaps not simple but it unfortunately was quite ordinary. It was definitely recognizable as the story of Twilight but it didn’t really have any of the magic and some of the characters seemed quite different from the book. Most of the minor characters were actually OK. Charlie, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmit and Rosalie were fine. I was a bit disappointed that Rosalie was not a bit more beautiful because in the book she was out-of-this-world gorgeous. I didn’t find movie Rosalie to be “all that” at all and in fact found Alice to be much prettier, which ultimately works for me because I like Alice much more anyway. Jasper of course had a minor role but always acted as if he had just been dropped off in Forks from some other planet and wasn't sure about what to think about anything.

My biggest disappointment was with Edward and Bella.

Edward of the book was always in control. He was confident, smooth, always knew what to say, and had an overall suaveness that came from years and years of experience. Movie Edward seemed more like a regular 17 year old displaying at times a bit of dorkiness and general non-perfection that naturally comes with going through high school your first time, not your twentieth time.

Oh yeah, since I like to include a photo or two in my posts let me complain about one more Edward related detail….. his CAR! In the book he drove a sleek, fast, silver Volvo.
The image I had in my head was something like this, the S80, classy and elegant yet obviously a serious motor car when it needs to be.

What he drove in the movie was this, the C30 (Volvo’s entry level model)

The first time I saw it on screen I couldn’t believe it was Edward’s car, surely it was someone’s grandmother on her way to her knitting club. It was not to be, it was indeed Edward driving it.
I can picture it now, the producer calling up Volvo and ordering "whatever you have that’s silver and cheapest." (Heck as long as it's silver the fangirls won't know or care right?) That is exactly what they got, silver and cheapest. Come to think of it, it looks a lot like my silver Civic hatchback, good for me, bad for Edward.

I’ll give Edward credit, he did some impressive driving in it none the less, although the little silver bug did look a bit silly trying to look tough and cool doing one of those reverse-180°-forward getaways that we often see in movies or on the Rockford Files.

And finally Bella. Bella, Bella, Bella…
I know she wasn’t exactly the cheerleader type in the book but movie Bella took it all to a whole new level. She never smiled, always had a look and mood like she wanted to be anywhere but here and she never really made me believe she ever came to love Edward much at all. Overall a bit too cold and distant to be the Bella I knew.

I know you should “never judge a book by its movie” so it’s also unfair to expect a movie to deliver what a book can. All this considered I was only mildly satisfied with Twilight – The Movie and was mostly disappointed. I can only give it five stars out of ten.

P.S. The music up top (Claire de lune) you hopefully listened to while you were reading is from one the nicer moments in the movie. I won't spoil it any more than that but it was a nice moment in which movie Ed resembled most closely book Edward.


Anonymous said...

I will be waiting for the DVD, and will just rent, not buy. I am almost always disappointed with the movie version of any book.(exception being Harry Potter). Some things are just better left in your imagination.

Tanis, said...

You give the best reviews. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've heard the characters are a disapointment. Was the music/scenery any better?

Lorin said...

The music! Oh I completely forgot I was going to add a piece of music from the movie. Thanks for reminding me Tanis, it is up now.

As for the rest of the soundtrack though, I honestly don't recall anything too special or memorable sorry.

The scenery was pretty much what I expected. Typical Pacific North West dreary. I think the sun came out twice. Once so Bella could ask why the Cullens were never around when the weather was nice, and once more, of course, to let Ed show off his glitter.

Lorin said...

Marlan - I know what you mean. I agree most stories enjoyed in book form should be left undisturbed by any lame attempt of a mere movie to match the power of the imagination. But it's so hard to stay away some times.

The Harry Potter movies have been mostly disappointing for me. I'm one of the few who prefers the first two that stayed closer to the feeling of the book. My biggest disappointment was Prisoner of Azkaban, I was looking forward to it the most and it was the one that strayed the furthest, for me anyway.

Anonymous said...

OK, well the music sounds awesome! I've already used it twice to lull Dane to sleep. Worked like a charm! Hopefully we'll see you this weekend if this sick boy gets better! Thanks for the review! Loved the part about the silver car!