Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've been tagged by Crystal, so here goes.

5 years ago....

1. I was still single, just like now. Yeah… let’s not go there.
2. I was living in Lethbridge. It was pretty much everything I dreamed it could be.
3. I bought a Garmin Legend GPS unit and started Geocaching. My lone surviving cache is now one of the oldest in the Lethbridge area and has been visited over 200 times. It has survived 5 years of Lethbridge weather and even one major flood. Good thing I went with an air tight container. (It’s called VB2 just in case you want to check it out.)
Here's the area normally

Here's the area flooded

4. My work sent me to New York where my boss and I were offered Letterman tickets on the street. I ended up being selected as a possible audience participant and got to spend about an hour pre show in a “green room” with the other possibles. Ended up not being chosen by Dave but got to see the show from the best seats in the Ed Sullivan Theater. Much cooler than standing in line for three hours to spend a few minutes atop the Empire State Building.
5. On the New York trip we also went to Washington DC where my boss and I were mistaken for undercover agents. I also got pooped on by a bird there so it kind of evened out.

5 Things on my list for today...

1. List? Oh THAT list! Yeah, right. Sorry, it just slipped my mind for a second.
2. So, let’s see then, I’ll be saving the world in the morning. Hopefully have that finished up early so I can beat the rush at lunch time.
3. Lunch at that delicious dim sum place in the T&T mall.
4. Afternoon in various important meetings with important people about important things.
5. Dinner and a movie later. Nope, just me.

5 snacks I enjoy…

1. Chocolate
2. Chips
3. Nachos
4. Pepperoni sticks
5. At this time of year, Mandarin Oranges (or as they call them in Japan, mikan.) They are so much better there, where they actually get a chance to ripen before they cut them off the tree. BTW I did that once too, mikan harvesting. They actually have to cut them off the tree because the stem is much stronger than the skin so if you just try an pull it off the stem doesn't break and the skin around where the stem meets the mikan rips and you are left with a dime sized hole in the skin. Next time you have a "mikan" in your hand, take a close look at the stem stump. You will see that it has been cut, not just pulled off the tree. (I wonder if it's the same with other citrus fruit.)

5 Places I've lived...

1. Grew up in Raymond. So naturally I thought every town had a fanatical and borderline unhealthy obsession with high school athletics.
2. Osaka, Japan. Mission.
3. Tochigi, Japan. Teaching English.
4. Banff. To continue with the Japanese thing.
5. Calgary. Here and now.

5 jobs I have had...

1. Paper Boy. From grade 3 until forever it seemed.
2. Raymond Mercantile Hardware store.
3. English Teacher in Japan.
4. Dining room porter at the Banff Springs Hotel. Spent the evening running back and forth between the kitchen and dining room carrying entrees, often 16 plates and covers at a time. Never dropped anyone’s dinner, luckily. There was this one time though when I was wheeling a huge stack of about 300 coffee cups and the cart’s wheels caught on the threshold of the dining room door and I dumped them all in a crash that sounded so much like “you’re fired” but in the end I wasn’t and after picking up all the pieces it turned out that only about 15 were broken so I guess I was lucky.
5. Tour Guide in Banff for Japanese tourists.

5 Things I would do if I had a million dollars...

1. I’d buy a house, furniture, and a couple of cars and bikes for the garage.
2. I would travel.
3. I would be generous with some of it, cause that’s always fun.
4. Probably wouldn’t be any left over for numbers 4 and 5 so sorry about that.
5. This being tagged stuff is a lot of work!


Anonymous said...

I agree, tagging is so not fun when you are doing it...but much more fun for the reader. I had fun learning a few new things. A job in Grade 3. Wow!!! Hmmmm...wonder how that would go over with Ava!

Anonymous said...

Yah, I remember having to help do the paper route on the odd occasion, and the houses with dogs scared me to death! Very fun to read your answers.

Crystal said...

Wow, 16 plates and covers at a time!?? Now that's talent. I've had disasters carrying much, much less.
Have you started any geocash sites in/around calgary??Great post.

Lorin said...

Hey Crystal, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
Just in case you were curious about the 16 plates at once thing, they would all have the covers on them which makes them stackable. Then on one of those big oval trays there is enough area to put 4 plates and then stack each 4 high so you end up with 16.

I haven't placed any geocaches in or near Calgary yet. I'm a bit wary of all the city folk calling the police on me if they see me wandering around and actually straying off of the officially approved paved city paths. Especially if I don't happen to be wearing an easily recognizable and trendy brand of outdoor extreme sports wear.

Anonymous said...

Lorin you are way to funny. I love reading your blog. You are such a nice guy. Hey are you going to Twilight tonight. I am. Can't wait to see if it does justice to the book. Hey maybe one day you can do one of those geocash things with us. I think Russ and the girls would have lots of fun with it. We just dont' have the equipment to do it.


Lorin said...

Thanks Johy. I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog.

I will be going to see Twilight but not tonight. I think I'll wait a few days for the hysteria to die down a bit.

If you are serious about doing some geocaching I can go out on a hunt with you and show you how it's done and how to use the GPS. For now maybe you could go to geocaching.com and punch in your postal code to see all the caches near you and choose one or a few you might want to find.

CHEMTD said...

That was a great read Lorin.
And now I understand who is responsible for my interest in 'caching. Kendall taught me about it years ago, but it looks like you are the one he learned it from. Awesome.

- C

Anonymous said...


I don't get on here often enough to read your great entries. I have so much to catch up on that I will have to plan another session. Just wanted to tell you that you are one of my favorite reads. When I need a chuckle I can always count on one from your posts. Thanks for your great sense of humor and ability to write! m.