Sunday, June 5, 2011

Precambrian Marble

Precambrian Marble has been discovered in Warterton!
Locals returning to the windy mountain hamlet from their temporary winter (September through May) residences in Arizona and/or St. George Utah were shocked to find significant deposits of the metamorphosed limestone lying about the town. Chaos ensued when several locals were unable to find parking for their Escalade towing "Rock Star tour bus" class RVs due to the white stony formations.
As they endevoured to determine the authenticity of the hopefully valuable stuff more than a few seriously smart sounding statements were said to have been overheard.  "I'm pretty sure this wasn't here last year.  Besides that, it looks way old." "Yep, pretty sure that there's at least Jurrassic, maybe Devonian or possibly even Precambrian Marble we've got here."  "If you look real close between them two strata you can see a petrified Snow Hare. See, it's right there beside that fossilized Mule deer poo."

Just then a Bobcat came by and opened up a driveway right through the middle of it all.

Yep, turns out it was just a snowdrift. It's been a long long winter.

It was a gorgeous day in Waterton.  Besides the random remaining snow drifts there is still a noticably higher amount of snow up on the mountains of course.

The road to Cameron Lake is still closed at the very last gate just as you think you're going to make it all the way.  Here is the obligatory bear picture.  With a mama and three cubs present I knew the place would turn into a Saturday afternoon Costco parking lot within seconds so I just took a very quick snapshot and fled the scene as fast as I could.

Did a lot of walking around the town as usual and bought my new annual pass. It's light blue this year so I guess it won't stand out quite as bad as the bright yellow one did last year.

Waterton, it's still there and it's still awesome!


Jordan and Luci said...

Ahh, I'm so jealous. Waterton sounds amazing right now and I can't believe all the snow! And seeing I'm really homesick!

Debbie said...

Dah! I NEVER see bears anymore!!! What's your secret? Great pictures!

Crystal said...

Awesome bear sighting. Three cubs. Pretty lucky.

Marlan said...

Cool marble! Waterton is always interesting. You are lucky to live so close.