Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon

With two of the four movie tickets I got from cashing in my Aeroplan miles used up on Avatar and Shutter Island I had two left still sticking to the fridge compliments of a way too strong magnet and just begging to be used. In the last few days I have heard, actually mostly read, some good buzz about an animated movie called How to Train Your Dragon. It has an 8.3 (out of ten) score on IMDb along with many positive comments about it and the premise just seemed promising to me. So tonight, I went to see it.

I’m trying to recall other movies where dragons feature prominently. There’s that girl dragon in Shrek, Harry Potter has a bunch of them doesn’t it? There’s Dragon Heart, which was OK but also kind of lame. I never saw it but isn’t there a kids movie called Pete’s Dragon? Then there was Eddie Murphy’s comic relief mini dragon in Mulan. The Never Ending story had that Luck Dragon with huge human type teeth which was kind of creepy. Monty Python and the Holy Grail had that scary dragon… oh wait, no, that was a fluffy white killer bunny wasn’t it? Never mind, I guess that’s enough.

HTTYD is probably not a film you will be having deep discussions about long after it’s over but it is a lot of fun while it lasts. DreamWorks has too often (for my taste) relied heavily on current pop culture references for the humour in its movies but there is none of those in this one. There is much to make you laugh but it is all derived from and contained within the story and anyone who sees it for the first time 25 years from now will never have to wonder what this or that ancient obscure reference is about.

I kind of prefer not to recognize a famous actor’s voice in animation because it makes it hard not to picture them when you hear the character speak. Thankfully the only one that was obvious to me was Jonah Hill and he’s not a main character so no problems there.

I saw a YouTube video a while ago about how the cool heroes in movies never look back at an explosion, they just keep on walking calmly away. The introduction of the main girl character (Astrid) is done in such a way as to acknowledge and indeed pay homage to this cliché. I do think though that it’s the first time I can recall seeing it in an animated movie and it was simultaneously awesome and funny.

The story is original with a great blend of action, humour, some genuinely touching moments and just a little obligatory romance thrown in for good measure.

The animation is top shelf all the way. And I must confess, in spite of my general loathing of the current 3D fad, HTTYD (like Avatar) would not have been the same without it. In particular, the flying scenes are the most realistic I have ever seen. And I mean that not necessarily in a literal or technical way but in a more intangible yet ultimately real way. You know those dreams you have where you’re flying, (surely it’s not just me) the flying in HTTYD feels closest to those. You feel the speed, the height, the fear of going so high, the changes in direction and momentum. It really is breathtaking. It’s worth seeing just to experience the flying parts. It’s not like those Imax movies or theme park experiences that tend to make you sick either. It’s actually a little hard to describe. It’s just such an incredibly joyful ride.

In summary I would definitely say that this is by far DreamWorks best animated feature EVER. Highly recommended!


Tanis, said...

I think this is one we might try and take the kids to. Thanks for the review. Awesome as always!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review - this is one of the movies on my possible watch list. I'm curious about the flying scenes. I really enjoyed the flying scenes in Avatar - felt like I was in the moment with the character. Is this the same? better?
Would Sydney(4) be OK watching this one?
Russ H

Lorin said...

Thanks for reading Tanis and Russ.

I probably should have mentioned a bit about the flying in HTTYD vs Avatar. I suppose I was so in awe of the graphics while watching Avatar I don't really remember the feeling of the flying itself.

It's not so much the quality of the graphics but in the way that the flying scenes are "shot". That plus the fact that the particular dragon that our hero trains just happens to be the F22 Raptor of the dragon world.

The camera angles, the 3D effects, the way and how fast the dragon can fly all combine for getting a true feeling of flying like I have never experienced before. Yes, significantly better than in Avatar.

There was one talkative kid in my theater. I'd say probably about three years old. There are a few parts that will be scary for little ones and this kid actually cried out loud at one point. (Not out of fright but because of fear for Hiccup's dragon.) I think kids four and up would probably be okay but then again I don't have kids so you might want to ask around a bit. Without giving too much away I don't think there would be any cause for lasting distress beyond the end of the movie.

Marlan said...

Sounds like another movie I need to add to my list of movies to watch.

Russell and Johanna Anderson said...

Hey Lorin I too am a secret follower of your blog. I've decided to start one myself and so add me to your list. I have found it lots of fun so far and I think this will help me keep connected a lot better in the future.

smko said...

Well some of the Orr's went and watch the movie as well. Megan, Kale, and Olivia. We all LOVED IT!!! It is one that is on the to buy list. It was so good all I can say because I am not good with words, is that it is a must see for anybody that can sit that long. LOVED IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Honestly Lorin, you really should write for a column. You have such a great way of expressing and explaining. I have read other movie reviews that are soooo boring. Really, you should look into it. I know the local paper here has movie review. I can find out if they are in need of a real writer.
Nice work.

Lorin said...

Thanks for the kind words LQ. I'm nowhere near being a real writer but thanks all the same.

shauna said...


I'm a friend of John & Tanis and I love to read your movie reviews. Everyone I knew kept saying this movie is fantastic but with no real detail into the movie to make me want to see it. Your review made me change my mind and go see the movie. My kids loved it and kept asking us to buy it on the way home. I guess never taking them to the theater has advantages. They never have to wait to bring the shows they love home!

Thanks for all the great were spot on with August Rush too.

Lorin said...

Hi Shauna,

I do recall reading your comments on Tanis' blog from time to time. It's so nice of you to stop by here and leave a comment. I'm happy that you enjoy my little reviews. It's always nice to know other people share my opinions sometimes. I'm glad I was able to help you decide to take your family to see HTTYD and that you all liked it.

Thanks for reading! Come back anytime.

CHEMTD said...

After your review we took the family to it and absolutely loved it!


Russell and Johanna Anderson said...

Hey Lorin,
We finally did go see it yesterday. We all loved it. Thanks for your reviews, you serioulsly are good at that!