Today while driving I was listening to music from my iPod which was connected to my car stereo. I had it set to “shuffle” so the songs play randomly and I never know which of the 744 songs currently living inside my nano™ will start up next. The display on the stereo keeps a count of the number of songs which have played since being set to shuffle. Track number 98 was just ending so the display next showed “Track 99” and then the song title was to come up. The word track disappeared but “99” was still being displayed. At first I thought something was wrong and wondered why the title wasn’t coming up. As the softly starting song gradually got louder I finally recognized it and figured out that there was nothing wrong with the display because track 99 was indeed 99. I wonder what the odds of that happening were. Probably about 744 to 1 actually, but somehow they seem much lower than that even, don’t you think?
For you young’ens who ain’t never heard the song and think Toto only makes toilets maybe you could go to the YouTube and check it out. Actually never mind, here it is. Yes, it’s those “Africa” dudes again but that is just coincidence, or maybe it isn’t… Hmmmmm…
Shortly after that happened I noticed my odometer was soon to blow through 88,888 kms… Okay okay, so it was really 188,888 but still another rare aligning of numbers right? Did you know that the number 8 is considered a lucky number in China?
So anyway, that was my excitement for the day. I can’t believe I’m even going to post this!
So did you by chance get a lottery ticket or anything?
Tanis - Um yes I did. I got two numbers right even. One for each of my strange coincidences. Unfortunately 2/6 = 0 in this case. Now I know that I need six nearly impossible happenings in one day in order to win the jackpot.
Awesome song! Possibly I've listened to that song about "99" times! hehe
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