Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Blog Background

Made you look, made you look!

Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get your hopes up. Indeed nothing has changed.

I know that some of you, perhaps my regular visitors, (whose numbers hopefully will someday reach double digits) may have thought at one time or another, “I can’t believe he’s still using that default setting blogger template. Doesn’t he know it’s totally lame?" Actually I do know it may well be considered boring and uncreative to be still using an original blogger template after… let’s see… hey, two days from now (March 19, that’s Marlan’s birthday) will be my second anniversary of my venture into the blogging world. Anyway, it’s not that I haven’t thought of changing it, or that I haven’t looked for a new background, but I just haven’t been able to find anything I like I guess. I know some people like to change their background every week it seems. I’m definitely not that fickle but I wouldn’t mind a change of scenery once in a while.

The problem is, it seems all of the blog template creators are under the impression that only females blog. Women may indeed be the vast majority of casual bloggers but there are a few of us men doing it as well. Whenever I search for a new template all I can find is unicorns, ribbons, butterflies, flowers and rainbows. Either that or they are so loud and busy that I find it hard to believe that anyone who visits a blog with such a background is ever able to read it due to being instantly and terminally distracted by the “in your face” background. (I wonder if that qualifies as an oxymoron.) I have enough trouble getting people to read my blog without having some hallucination inducing shenanigans going on all around it. Oh, and don’t get me started on those backgrounds that actually intrude into the space meant for the writer’s text, often covering it up rendering it unreadable. What’s up with that?

Okay, I feel much better now. I suppose I just needed to get that rant out of the way. In the meantime, I plan to periodically continue my search for a new blog background. For now though, I will continue on with my tried and true, blogger original, newbie template. I’ll just be hoping that instead of finding it lame and boring, you might find its consistancy at least a little bit cozy and comforting.

Finally, just in case you're thinking of suggesting that I make my own template, I'm afraid that is quite impossible. Just as in most other areas of my life, I must rely on the use of other people's creations in order to express my own individuality.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, don't mind a bit that your background hasn't changed. I have been to blogs where I had to give up trying to read because the background and the text color were same! As for getting all funky and creative in backgrounds, your content is always way too great to need the distraction. I just wish you blogged more often!

Lorin said...

Thanks Marlan. I'm trying to post more this year.

Also, since it is now officially the 19th of March, Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Wow, a new post today! I'm with you, I haven't changed my template since I began either (although... it's cause I"m lazy and have never tried!). Keep it simple. We love it anyway!

CHEMTD said...

Great post Lorin. I had grown lax in my blogging recently and I have really missed out on some good stuff. I agree with Marlan, the simple background was merely a matt for the awesome content.

- Chad