So the other day I was at the local Try-n-Save in order to replenish my dwindling supply of instant ramen (BTW there is such a thing as non-instant ramen and it's way awesomer), super-extreme size Doritos and criminally over priced razor blades when I just happened to find myself in the electronics section browsing the DVD aisles. Actually this has become a fairly standard routine on my visits there. I just like to browse and see what's new or maybe find an under-appreciated movie that didn't sell well and has been banished to the $5 bin now finding itself stuck between The Four Minute Ab Workout and The Land Before Time-Part 17.
Anyway, while looking through the New Releases (shouldn't that be "Newly Released") section I noticed Season One of "Pushing Daisies". I had never seen this show but remembered hearing good things about it and decided to buy it blind just on a hunch. I am so glad I did and I'll tell you why in a minute.
I've never been a huge fan of the "big three" types of TV shows. You know, the ones that revolve around cops, lawyers or hospitals.
There are so many already and they just seem to be pumping out more every day. Did you hear they are coming out with Law and Order SUX and CSI Boise. They have apparently run out of hospitals in the US to base Doctor shows on so the next one is going to be shot in Calgary and be called "Foothills Emergency - Take a Number and Shut Up".
I mean they're alright I suppose but there have got to be other areas of the human existence that could also be explored.
Recently my kind of TV shows have included:
Arrested Development
The Office (UK)
The Office (US)
and now Pushing Daisies
Pushing Daisies is unlike anything I've seen before. It's about a pie maker who can bring dead things back to life by touching them but if he touches them a second time they are dead again forever. It sounds kinda weird I know and it is. But it is much more also. It's original, witty, warm, funny, sweet, and leaves you feeling good at the end; rather than feeling like you've just had your "tolerance for evil and sleaze" envelope pushed ever further.
I ended up watching all nine episodes of the shortened first season in just three days and now I am totally hooked.
It's not a mainstream show for sure so you may not like it as I do but if you're looking for a new show to watch on Wednesday nights you might want to give it a chance. It actually airs on Tuesdays as well in Canada on the ACCESS channel.
The season two premiere is tonight in Canada on ACCESS and tomorrow (Wednesday Oct 1) on ABC.
P.S. If you are interested, I would highly recommend renting season one to get caught up as the storyline is continued and develops from episode to episode.
Ha Ha. Land before time 17! Has it really gone that far? Sounds like a fun series to try out. Thanks for the tip.
Funny post. "Foothills Emergency......" so true! Funny thing, I read this on your blog and then Kendall heard about it all in the same day. Wierd. I told him he should read the review on your blog! Thanks for the suggestion....maybe we'll give it a try.
We saw this show a few times when it first came out and we echo your review of it. I saw it enough times to catch what was going on but missed it enough to want to rent the first season.
BTW if you do another game with a prize we will still play but relinquish the prize to someone in your own country (assuming we would win it of course). Although we did LOVE the last treasure we know it gets pricey. Just an FYI if you were thinking of doing it again. Ok, now we gotta go listen to the music on your last post.
Hey Krissy don't worry about relinquishing any future prizes, it's not a big deal.
I think all of you guys should give Pushing Daisies a try. I think what I like most about it is its freshness, wit and charm but most of all it's the glaring absense of hostile sarcasm that that seems thinly disguised, if not overtly displayed by the characters in nearly every other show on TV.
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