Friday, May 23, 2008

Eclipse – finishing what I started

My disappointment with some parts of the second book managed to keep me away from Eclipse for a grand total of about 48 hours. Despite being often genuinely frustrating, New Moon pulled me so far into the story that I can no longer resist it and will have to continue to the end no matter how many times I feel like hurling the book through the window.

It is nice to have Edward and the other Cullens (especially sweet Alice) back in town for the whole book this time. Unfortunately Jacob is also still around and becoming a bigger and bigger jerk by the second. My suspicions were correct. What I first thought was going to be a tale of pure love conquering all has degenerated into a sticky mess that leaves you feeling the need to take a shower.

Several things become crystal clear in Eclipse. Bella is not only a clumsy, irresponsible drama queen, but also quite selfish and nearly entirely oblivious to the pain she is inflicting upon Edward. It’s a good thing she smells so good to him because at this point I can’t think of any other reason why he should have fallen for her.
Jacob finally quits any further attempts to conceal his plan to steal Bella and becomes more and more rude, physically aggressive and more manipulative than an entire squad of cheerleaders.
Edward alone remains totally committed to Bella’s happiness in a way that neither of the two Pop Tart eaters could ever comprehend.

Edward spends most of the book trying to keep Bella alive and Bella spends most of the book trying to get away so she can be all warm and snuggly with her “friend”. Whenever she does come back to Edward we hear the usual lines about how perfect he is and how Bella could never ever be without him again but at some point along the way her actions begin to speak much more loudly and truthfully than her words.

Surprise, surprise, by the end Bella realizes that she is in love with BOTH of them but also FINALLY gets a clue that all of this might have been difficult for Edward.

In the end Bella once again officially chooses Edward. (Yeah sure whatever.)
I hope that Meyers has only added all this drama along the way to make the final undoubtable triumph of Edward and Bella all the more satisfying but I have serious concerns. To some, myself included, she may find that the hole she has dug herself into is just too deep and that when she finally decides to abandon the Bella and Jake thing, digging upwards just doesn’t work. It is going to take some serious magic to save this story.
I hope, more for Edward now than anyone, that she can somehow pull it off.

P.S. Apparently some people are rooting for Jacob. I would just like to say that everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Also, if you are rooting for Jacob you are 100% wrong and have no soul.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like it's been a bit of a rollercoaster. Just curious, on a scale of 1-10, where would you rate this series?

Lorin said...

1-10 eh.
Well I'll have to add a few other books for context. My favorite ever and only 10 would be Far From the Madding Crowd. Please read it.
A 9 would be Prisoner of Azkaban.
I would put Twilight at 8 and depending on how it all ends the series could climb to 9 or drop off the scale completely.
So yes, it is definitely a roller coaster that sometimes makes you want to hurl, but at others times the best ride you can remember.

Krissy said...

That was great to read. Especially the part about having no soul, ha ha so funny. I'll put your rated 10 book on my list for sure. Only a good book can bring out such a review. I agree with your review but at the same time just love the book and couldn't put it down, I'm glad you rated it so high. Too bad we're not closer, I'd drag you to the movie with us in the Fall. I'm sure you'll see it and I can't wait to read that review either!

Lorin said...

Hi Krissy, don't get me wrong. I do love the books and couldn't put them down either. It's just that one aspect of the story that drives me crazy. You're absolutely right about it having to be a great book to generate the response it has. Thanks for recommending Twilight all those months ago.
I'm sure you'll love FFTMC as well.

Anonymous said...

Very fun to read your review Lorin. I should send you the stack of books I have yet too read, and you could read them for me and then I will just read your reviews!

Lorin said...

Hey Marlan, glad you enjoyed my little review. Thanks for reading it. I still have a few unread books of my own to get to but if I run out I'll let you know.