In an effort to have a few pictures to post every now and then I have been trying to carry around my camera with me as much as possible this year. Yesterday my battery ran out and I forgot to recharge it so I didn't take my camera with me today on my trip to Yoho NP just across the border in BC.
Wouldn't you know it we came across something that I have only seen once before in all the years I have been guiding.
Wolf cubs, four of them actually. Two were grey and two were black, so they definitely weren't coyotes. They were playing on the road just as we came around the curve. Of course they ran away as soon as they saw my van but they were curiously peeking at us from just inside the bushes on the side of the road surely thinking that they were now invisible. They soon wandered off into the forest and in the end not even one of my eight clients managed to get a picture but it would have been really cool to get a shot of them. Oh well, maybe I'll get another chance in another ten years or so.
By the way there was no sign of any adult wolves around but they were surely nearby making sure things didn't get out of hand.
Later in the day we also saw a pair of black bears but after seeing the wolf cubs who cares about some silly bears right?
That is so crazy Lorin. Kinda scary actually to know that the adult wolves were nearby. We'll be waiting for that picture, (even if it is another 10 years!!!). What a day. We saw about 20 ants today...all squished by Brookie, a lady bug, two crows and of course Brooklyn herself, who resembled some sort of wild animal today not sure what...but she was as cranky as a wolf (but not nearly as cute as those cubs I'm sure)!!! That's so cool that you get to see so much wildlife and beautiful scenery each day!!!
that sounds like our little drive to the mountains last week. We saw 2 huge cougars, they watched us for like 15 min out in their field. We also saw on the same drive a moose, a bald eagle, lots of deer, and bear poop. It was great. Isn't it fun to come across creature - in your vehicle of course. After seeing those humungus (sp) cougars though, I have second thoughts about camping anywhere around here!
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