Thursday, April 19, 2007

Welcome Home TJ

Looking forward this weekend to seeing TJ and everyone who will be there this weekend.

I recently visited John and Tanis's blog (it's linked at KJAMB's blog) and watched the video of Jordan flying his plane
(this one I think)

and thought it was pretty cool. I've always wanted to try that but those model R/C planes were always so expensive that I never got into it.
Now though you can buy ready-to-fly electric planes that aren't too expensive so I decided to take the plunge and get one. I wanted to get a cool looking fast one but the store guy suggested I start with an easier to fly and less expensive one to learn with so here's what i got.

I'm hoping to fly it for the first time this Saturday so anyone who will be at dad and mom's could watch me crash and burn if you like.


Anonymous said...

I don't know a lot about flying, but to have your first flight be in the windy Southern Alberta will be an interesting flight for sure! Regardless, I am looking forward to your inaugural flight, or crash! See you this weekend.

Krissy said...

sounds fun, wish we could be there to see it. You'll be an experienced flyer by the time we're up there, looking forward to then.

Tanis, said...

Welcome to the club. You'll have to join John and his siblings this summer. When all eight of them get together to fly it is a fun sight.

Anonymous said...

...i want one!!!