So what's the difference between a villain and a super villain? Presentation! At least according to Megamind it is. After finally seeing this movie I'm inclined to agree. Although as it turns out Megamind himself isn't really a true villain at all. He's just an earnest alien nerd too smart for his own good and that gets him shunned by his peers and sets him on the path to hidden lairs and high backed swiveling chairs.
Megamind tries so hard to be a real bad guy but it's pretty obvious through most of the movie that he's just playing a role he was mostly forced into and that he would much prefer to be the one who saves the day and gets the girl. Nevertheless, he finds himself in the villains role and he does his best to be the baddest villain he can, always knowing that on most days Metro Man will win and on some days he will almost win.
This movie seems like it was written with Will Ferrell in mind as he fits the character of Megamind perfectly. It reminded me of his character Mustafa in the first Austin Powers movie , another funny bad guy who you just can't quite believe is really evil deep down.
Although I don't always like Will Ferrell's movies, (many times his schtick is just too over the top and wears out its welcome long before the movie ends) this film showcases his strongest, best and funniest talents and fits him like a Black Mamba. (No not the snake.)
Megamind is full of funny quotable lines. Many of them made quotable by Will Ferrell's delivery... or should I say presentation. However it doesn't hang the full weight and repsonsibility of the movie on them. As with all good movies there is a strong story and a generous helping of heart to back up the silliness.
If this movie had come out in another year other than 2010 I may well have called it my favorite animated movie of the year. Unfortunately Tangled and How To Train Your Dragon are just in another league of their own. I can see myself choosing Megamind over Toy Story 3 on some nights though.
I will look forward to this Halloween to see dozens of giant blue heads dressed in Black Mambas roaming the streets carrying Forget-me sticks.
Thanks to KJAMBD for lending me their DVD!