Minor spoilers ahead!
The movie's story begins with a shot of a young man we never met in either of the first two films and we soon realize that we are not in Forks but in Seattle witnessing part of the creation of Victoria's army of new Vampires. Soon we are relieved to be taken to a much more familiar location and see Edward and Bella in their meadow which has been much more generously stocked with prop flowers and therefore seems much more sunny, happy and well, meadowy. You can almost hear fluffy bunnies hopping and chewing on daisy stems just out of frame.
I don't want this to turn into a movie report instead of a review so I guess I'll stop now with the play by play. (Can't promise 100% but I'll do my best.)
I enjoyed twilight. I thought new moon was better and still do. eclipse blows them both out of the water!
Yes it really truly does. I'm not just saying that because it's the newest one and is freshest in my mind. And if you'll be so kind as to continue reading I'd like to tell you why.
First, more than ever before, we can feel the closeness and dare I say it, the love between Edward and Bella. new moon got it much better than twilight did but in eclipse their relationship really starts to bring the feeling that the book did in that regard. They really feel like a couple who know and love each other.
I hated Jcub in this book and was sincerely dreading the parts where I knew he would be messing with Ed's girl but I'm tempted to say that this is one particular area that the movie did even better than the book. Sure we have to watch him force himself on her and watch him keep her warm through the night in the tent but in the end Bella leaves no doubt about who it is that she loves most and the movie lets her explain why. Although we have to watch her bounce back and forth between them with a frequency and speed that would make a Wimbledon season ticket holder dizzy, the way she confesses her love for Edward in the end is completely believable and totally satisfying. Edward and Jcub also have a good talk and although it is still obvious that Edward would give Bella up if he thought that would make her happy and that Jcub will forever try to steal her away, I ended up loathing Jcub slightly less than I did in the book.
There is a lot of back story included in this movie. We get to know why Rosalie treats Bella the way she does. We are shown the tragic history of Jasper and the closeness he and Alice share. The history of the werewolves is expounded upon as well. We are taken much deeper into the histories of the ones who merely dazzled as they walked by in the cafeteria and those who mostly just caused teen girls to scream whenever they took their shirts off. All the familiar characters just become much more real and we can't help but care about them more.
We, as well as Bella are finally told why Edward is so adamant about getting married first. The moment when Bella finally understands this is one of the best in the movie.
eclipse also has the best action so far. The big fight scene is cool but of course ends with the inevitable death of sweet little Bree. In the book I think she was 15 but the little actress who plays her looks only about 11 or 12 which makes it even more sad. I beg you to read the short second life of bree tanner before you see eclipse. It will make an otherwise possibly forgettable moment one of the most heart rending in the whole movie.
Have I said enough? Have I said anything at all? I thought twilight was good and new moon was better. eclipse is definitely best! (If this trend continues all that will be left for breaking dawn parts 1 and 2 is bestest ever and bestest ever extreme I guess.) The story is entertaining, exciting and romantic. The characters are more interesting and we care about them more than ever before. There is a believable and satisfying resolution to the sticky triangle between Edward, Bella and Jacob.
To sum up. when the credits rolled I heard several sighs from the females around me. They were partly the usual sighs of swooning but I felt they were mostly sighs of relief, resolution and satisfaction, above all satisfaction. Yes, eclipse is a very satisfying movie!