On my way from Banff to Lake Louise to pick up my clients today I just happened to spot a black wolf jogging along the fence that keeps animals from coming out onto the highway. I couldn't believe my luck as I'd just seen four wolf cubs less than a month ago. (Now that I think about it I suppose there is a good chance that those cubs are related to this adult since I saw them all in the same valley not too far apart either) On average since I've been in Banff I see a wolf maybe once every three years so I guess I've just been lucky lately (as I wrote in my previous post I have only seen cubs once before). This sighting lasted the longest as the wolf kept moving along the fence for about four minutes before it finally disappeared into the woods. I was glad to have my camera with me and took a bunch of pictures but it was a little too far away for my little pocket camera's zoom. At least you can tell it's a wolf I hope.

Today was not a trip to the Columbia Icefield but to Yoho NP as well as Moraine Lake in Banff. Actually it's near Lake Louise but slightly less famous. I think it is the most beautiful lake in the Rockies. If you have an old $20 bill, not the one with the bird on the back but the version before that, you might recognize this lake as the one on that bill.